DL2KCL solar eclipse 1999 in Europe (part 2)
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During the solar eclipse on August 11, 1999 I did recordings of the signal strength of several radio-transmitters (blue spots on the map - previous page) on longwave and mediumwave. You can see the impact of the shadow-zone on the radio propagation in the graphical representations of the signal
The signals of the radio transmitters were received with a DSP-receiver KWZ-30 which has a very accurate signal strength-meter calibrated in dBm. All the settings of the receiver and the signal strength can be controlled/read out by a RS-232 serial interface at 19200 Bd. For the measurements the receiver IF-bandwidth was set to 50 Hz and the signal strength was read out every 100 ms and averaged over 30 measurements or 3 s. The AGC was set to very fast response.